Resting in Psalm 62

‘I do wish, brother, that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ.’ 

Philemon 1v20

Paul longed for his heart to be refreshed. The benefits of that may sometimes come through others, as we see here. But more than that, our hearts are to be refreshed in Christ.

We are delighted to welcome you for your time of retreat and please be assured that we are praying that you may be refreshed in Christ as you draw near to him.

One of the ways we want to help in that is providing exercises that might enable you to slow down and reflect on the Word. Use the questions as a prompt to help you engage with God in prayer. We hope this might be a tool that you can use to meditate on scripture and have your heart refreshed in Christ.

God bless you.

Psalm 62
1. Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.

  • Reflect on where you might find rest. Can you say that your rest truly finds rest in God? 
  • List the places you often turn to for rest. Bring them prayerfully before the Lord and consider the fruitfulness or idolatrous captivity and longevity of them? 
  • Spend time reflecting on your salvation. Where you have come from and what you once were. The eternal damnation that you have been saved from and how your salvation comes only from him. 1 Peter 2 verses 9-10. 
  • List the reasons why you can find your rest in God. 


2. Truly he is my rock and my salvation. 
He is my fortress, I shall never be shaken. 

  • The bible uses the imagery of Christ as our rock many times. A rock is solid and secure. You will notice many rocks placed around the site, let them stop you in your tracks to dwell on our steadfast Christ and to give thanks to him that he is solid.
  • What verses come to your mind to help you consider Christ as your rock and salvation?
  • Consider the way these verses call upon God as our rock in many different circumstances. 2 Samuel 22:47. Psalm 71:3. Psalm 18:2. Isaiah 26:4. Exodus 17:6. Psalm 92:15. Psalm 94:22. Psalm 144:1. Psalm 31:3. Jeremiah 23:29. Psalm 42:9. 
  • Now consider what is tempting you to be shaken right now? 
  • Use the pictures below of a fortress to help capture your imagination that you are secure in Christ? 
  • What could your life and posture look like now if you are not shaken? 

3. How long will you assault me? 
Would all of you throw me down – this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place;
They take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse.

  • Where are you feeling assaulted right now? Perhaps it’s the loud voices of enemies, criticism, abuse, accusations. Or perhaps it’s more subtle, the actions of others that feel insulting, the lies of the enemy that sneak into your mind. ‘you are not worthy,’ ‘You are a failure.’  Bring these thoughts to the surface, though painful and pour it out before the Lord. 
  • A tottering fence is a powerful picture of a structure that is supposed to be standing strong but is now barely standing at all. A wall that is only upright because it is leaning on something else. (Take some time to visit our tottering fence scenery.) Where do you feel like you are no longer standing tall? What are you choosing to lean on? How long has this been going on for? How does it bring you down? 
  • Talk to God about those you feel intend to topple you, he knows their actions and words that causes hurt and allows you to express it. 

5. Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
My hope comes from him.
6. Truly he is my rock and my salvation.
He is my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7. My salvation and my honour depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
8. Trust him at all times, you people;
Pour out your hearts to him,
For God is our refuge.’

  • David is talking to his soul, convincing, urging his soul to fight for the rest in God. 
  • How does your hope come from him?
  • David needs to convince and remind himself that he will not be shaken. When your mind turns to difficult pastoral or personal situations that shake you, cast your mind now on the Lord and tell him you will not be shaken.
  • Where do you look to for honour and salvation? God honours you.
  • In all times, we can trust him. Pour out your hearts to him now and then ask him to help you trust him.

 9. ‘Surely the lowborn are but a breath,
The highborn are but a lie. 
If weighed on a balance, they are nothing; 
Together they are only a breath. 
10. Do not trust in extortion or put vain hope in stolen goods.
Though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.’

  • Take time to reflect on your finite, creaturely nature. You are but a breath. 
  • Marvel at the greatness of God usings these verses…
  • Consider those that the world might consider low born and high born and talk to God about where you have bought into the lie that we are more significant. Without Christ, we are nothing. 
  • Where is your worth found? Consider seasons where your bank balance is high or low, where is your trust misplaced? 
  • Are you living with integrity? 
  • Is your heart set on riches? 

11. One thing God has spoken,
Two things I have heard:
Power belongs to you, God, 
12. and with you, Lord, is unfailing love’; 
and, ‘You reward everyone according to what they have done.’

  • Consider God’s power and authority. Isaiah 40 (God’s authority) Daniel 2 (holds all seasons). Colossians 2v10 (His authority in the church) Jude 1:25. Luke 4:36. (Power and authority in Jesus) 1 Corinthians 15:24 (end coming) John 17:2 (Jesus) Ephesians 1:21. Matthew 9:8. Colossians 1:16. Job 38. 
  • Consider and reflect upon his unfailing love. Psalm 48:9, Psalm 85:7, Psalm 44:26. Psalm 109:26, Psalm 6:4. Psalm 94:18. (foot slipping) Psalm 13:5. Psalm 77:8.(questioning his love) Psalm 119:41, 76 (salvation). Lamentations 3:32 (grief). Psalm 33:5 (Justice). Psalm 143:12 (enemies) 

Use these songs to slow down and reflect on Psalm 62, bringing your prayers before the Lord.

May your heart be refreshed in the Lord.


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